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[E] Bau51234567
[E] Bau51234567
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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User:Mau5fanguyperson Who banned you:forgot Reason:Greifing blackwater When was banned: about a month or so ago The ban committee decided my ban would be lifted today, so can someone unban me? http://www.minetown.net/forum/m/672632/viewthread/3004900-bannedgreifing-blackwater/post/17462021#p17462021
over 12 years ago
Well, how long is my ban gonna last? or is it perm.?
over 13 years ago
Well, thx, but i got mad after justin took down my house, not only did i spend a few hours getting the amount of brick needed, but then it also took me hours and many votes to get the money needed to make my house.
over 13 years ago
Well, I did get my bro to move all my stuff so i wouldnt have to, and I specifically told him not to get into trouble, but also, can someone tell me WHY justin took down my house?
over 13 years ago
So what does the little check mark thingy mean? am I gonna be banned perm for something i never did, or is this approved by an admin?
over 13 years ago